Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Caries risk assessment

Caries risk assessmentDentistry, in general, as well as caries risk assessment, and any of its member, preventive dental care program includes a key point, which is to assess the risk of diseases of the teeth and mouth. In the case of dental caries, the risk is considered, depending on various factors influencing the caries process itself.

Individual caries risk assessment:

It is important to consider the individual and the factors that exist in each patient is:

  • Systemic effects;
  • Way of life;
  • Dental disease caused in the past.

Common factors of tooth decay:

Environmental factors, such as, for example, low levels of fluoride in food, water, etc;
behavior, such as food, provoking caries, bad oral hygiene;
Oral factor, which includes, for example, increased the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Do all people have cavities?

Cariogenic bacteria that are found in dental plaque, not every man exert their effect equally. Some people expressed resistance to decay quite high, and in others it is quite low. Stability of teeth to caries disease depends on the body's defenses, and concomitant diseases.

Scientists and doctors found that caries develops activity in patients with weakened immune systems.

The influence of saliva on the risk of tooth decay

Caries risk assessment
Major role in the development of caries bacteria play and not just bacteria, namely Lactobacillus and Streptococcus mutans. The number of microorganisms that cause cavities is determined by analysis of saliva.

Saliva - a natural protection of the mouth, because it neutralizes acids, which produce bacteria and washes substrates that cause cavities. That reduction in salivary flow and the ability to neutralize acids contribute to tooth decay.

With the diagnosis of saliva can be set individually for each person almost risk of caries.

Play an important role and properties of saliva, as shown that people with more viscous saliva, higher risk of caries.

Tests to determine the risk of tooth decay:

  • test saliva buffering capacity;
  • counting laktobatsil concentration in saliva;
  • tests, which are based on socio-economic factors.

Remember the importance of preventive measures, and at the first sign is the treatment of dental caries.

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