Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cracked heels

Cracked heels treatment
Quite often, we have cracked heels. Everybody is trying to take care of their appearance. Typically, the focus is on the face and figure, but many people forget that the feet also require care. Most of all remember their state only with the onset of the summer season, when the shoes sandals, and after then the whole "beauty" in mind. And when you notice that your heels are not exactly healthy form of roughness, cracks and calluses - all this gives a lot of problems and concerns. That's why for my legs to be watched for a year in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Cracked heels - a problem common and painful. Why they occur and whether there is a solution such trouble?

Why are there cracks?

Healthy heel should be pink in color, have a soft and smooth skin. Uncomfortable and not a natural footwear, vitamin deficiency and other causes a negative impact on their condition. On the heels can cause cracks, calluses and warts. Agree that all this does not look aesthetically pleasing. In this case, an open shoe will forget for a long time, because the treatment of such cases - it is not an easy process.

Besides the ugly appearance, cracked heels cause pain when walking and create a lot of inconvenience. The causes of their appearance can be both a lack of vitamins, fungus, and the more dangerous diseases, including diabetes. Cracking heels promotes wearing socks made of synthetic fabrics, and tight shoes and high heels. In the summer, they generally are in great danger, as vulnerable to damage from the environment.

Treating cracked heels

In order to reduce fatigue and improve the condition of your feet, use a contrast bath. This procedure is to be applied for 5-10 minutes, alternately changing basins with hot and cold water to stimulate circulation and the skin becomes more resilient to external stimuli. Also, to reduce the heels can use a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1.5-2 liters of hot water and 0.5 teaspoon of mineral soap. Feet in a tub to drop by 10 minutes.

The most effective tool in the fight with cracks is Vaseline. You must first prepare the foot bath with the addition of boric acid (4 teaspoons of boric acid in 1 liter of water). Lower legs for a while in this solution, and then apply a layer of Vaseline on your heels and seal cracks with tape. This procedure should be carried out at night for 5-7 days.

Cracked heels
If cracked heels are small, deal with them will help ordinary apple. Need to rub it on the grate, and then put on the heels and shook his thick cloth. After 30 minutes, a pack must be removed, wash your feet with warm water and oil cream.

Besides popular recipes there are many other tools that can be purchased at pharmacies. This is mainly based ointment antibiotics. They prevent an infection in the cracks. Also popular ointments, which include bee propolis. If the cracks are caused by the development of fungi, your doctor will advise you to antifungal drugs.

So that you did not have troubles with legs, take care in advance about their condition. At occurrence of the first symptoms, address to the expert. Because, sometimes illness gets chronic character and brings weight of inconveniences. That it to not admit, find time for itself and do not shelve the decision of a problem.

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