Need some fresh inspiration? Check out all of this deliciousness!

Are you searching for new juicer recipes to spark some inspiration? Want to learn more about juicing for health?
I first started juicing about 2 years ago, but it has since become one of my healthiest habits! Last year, I watched an inspiring documentary called Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, directed by a man named Joe Cross who started the film with a chronic illness and a lot of extra weight. He set out on a journey to health, dedicating himself to a 60-day liquid fast. For 2 full months, Joe drank all of his fresh fruits and vegetables and ate nothing else...and his results were absolutely phenomenal!
Click here to see top-selling extractors at awesome prices at Amazon
Read on to discover reasons and tips and my 5 favorite "go-to" concoctions. If you feel inclined, please share your favorite juices in the comment section at the bottom of the page...sometimes I need new inspiration, too!
P.S. I highly recommend Ultimate Juicing Recipes and Tips. This ebook is my "go-to" reference guide for finding new juices to try because it features over 275 delicious concoctions, listed by benefit (weight loss, energy, cancer prevention, heart health, etc.) and type (green, apple, etc.). I personally use this several times a week. But my favorite part is that it's less than $5!!! Affordable and valuable for ANYONE wanting to get started right away!
Short on time? Go straight to the my 5 favorite recipes!
I first started juicing about 2 years ago, but it has since become one of my healthiest habits! Last year, I watched an inspiring documentary called Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, directed by a man named Joe Cross who started the film with a chronic illness and a lot of extra weight. He set out on a journey to health, dedicating himself to a 60-day liquid fast. For 2 full months, Joe drank all of his fresh fruits and vegetables and ate nothing else...and his results were absolutely phenomenal!
Click here to see top-selling extractors at awesome prices at Amazon
Read on to discover reasons and tips and my 5 favorite "go-to" concoctions. If you feel inclined, please share your favorite juices in the comment section at the bottom of the page...sometimes I need new inspiration, too!
P.S. I highly recommend Ultimate Juicing Recipes and Tips. This ebook is my "go-to" reference guide for finding new juices to try because it features over 275 delicious concoctions, listed by benefit (weight loss, energy, cancer prevention, heart health, etc.) and type (green, apple, etc.). I personally use this several times a week. But my favorite part is that it's less than $5!!! Affordable and valuable for ANYONE wanting to get started right away!
Short on time? Go straight to the my 5 favorite recipes!
Why Juice?
Juicing for Health!

In no time, you will feel lighter, you will have more energy and you will be thinking more clearly, too...the health benefits are amazing!
If you've never tried it before, get started today...your body will thank you!
Image: Fruits and Veggies by mathiasbaert ~ Flickr Creative Commons

What Are The Possible Health Benefits of Juicing?
10 Reasons to get started today!
Eating a clean, healthy diet, including freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices, may have the following benefits to your health. Please do not take this as medical advice or as a cure for any specific ailments. See disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
- 1It can aid in weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. Juicing for weight loss shouldn't be your #1 priority, but so many other health benefits come from drinking it fresh!
- 2It can give you clear, smooth and hydrated skin.
- 3It can give you increased energy and vitality.
- 4It can strengthen your immune system.
- 5It can give you a more efficient digestive system.
- 6It can regulate your blood sugar levels.
- 7It can regulate your blood pressure.
- 8It can aid in clearer thinking and reduce that "foggy" prepared to feel a difference in this area!
- 9One theory that is gaining ground is that phytochemicals in fresh fruits and vegetables could possibly prevent cancer and even fight existing cancer cells!
- 10It feeds every cell in your body with water, vitamins, minerals and essential enzymes, making you a healthier person in every way!
Benefits of Juicing with Joe Cross
Joe Cross from Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
discusses why you should start doing this today!
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