Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Importance of Enzymes


Ask your natural health questions on Facebook, here on our blog or by email and we will answer them by post, as well as, on the "Habits of Health" radio broadcast. FREE Food Enzymes pack for  questions submitted and answered on the broadcast!
Question: Why is it important to have enzymes or enzyme supplementation? by Marilyn S.
Enzymes keep the body functioning on many levels. Scientists have found over 3,000 types of enzymes that contribute to the body�s overall health in their own unique way. They keep us alive by powering cells, breaking down chemical bonds, slowing down the aging process and more. When it comes to digestion, enzymes are essential.

The Benefits of Digestive Enzymes

With the necessary digestive enzymes, the body is able to properly digest all of the nutrients it needs. Improper or inadequate digestion puts stress on the digestive system, making it harder to distribute essential vitamins and minerals throughout the body. As this happens, other body systems begin to suffer, such as the immune system. When it receives the food enzymes it needs, the body is more likely to reach and maintain a state of optimal health.

Sources of Digestive Enzymes

We are born with some enzymes. The body does replenish some enzymes, but it can only do so much with regard to necessary digestive enzymes. Natural, whole foods contain enzymes that will assist in the digestion of that particular food. However, when foods are cooked, processed, frozen or canned, these enzymes are destroyed. For most people, these processes apply to nearly every food in their diet. Essentially, the body depends on the enzymes consumed within foods for proper digestion. If these enzymes aren�t present, the digestive tract becomes stressed, causing discomfort and ultimately jeopardizing health. To avoid this, the body needs another source of food enzymes. The safest, most convenient source of food enzymes, outside of raw foods, is from digestive enzyme supplements.
Try our Food Enzymes supplement.
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