Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cause Miscarriage in Pregnant Women

Know For Miscarriages in Pregnant Women

MISCARRIAGE or abortion is the final event of a failed pregnancy in which the embryo or fetus does not develop and survive. This usually occurs before 20 weeks gestation. Bleeding or spotting blood in the first trimester of pregnancy is the early sign of miscarriage for most women.

Know For Miscarriages in Pregnant Women

Normally, when a sperm fertilizes an egg, that's when the embryo is formed. Embryonic cell divides genetic characteristics of his father and mother. However, some specific genetic abnormal can cause miscarriage.

Some experts believe that aneuploidy, an abnormal number of chromosomes, can cause failure of the embryo implanted in the uterine wall. In some cases, the embryo aneuploidy can undergo normal growing process but only up to a point.

"In both cases, whether the embryo aneuploidy can attach itself to the uterine wall or not, abortion is likely to continue," said Dr. Ivan Here, Gynecologist and Clinical Director of Morula IVF Jakarta.

Approximately 30-80 percent of these cases will end in fetal death or stillbirth. Even so, there are some abnormal fetus may continue to grow until the end of gestation and produce a baby with a major disability.

"The problem of this chromosome occurs randomly and has nothing to do with anything done by both parents," said a doctor who handles a lot of these infertility problems.

How do we look at these events? Miscarriage is an undesirable thing any woman. However, the good news is there is still a chance for subsequent pregnancies do not always end in miscarriage again.

"Although environmental factors and lifestyle of the mother has little effect on miscarriage, there are more important things to be aware of others. Stressful lifestyle does not always increase a woman's risk of miscarriage. However, smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity can increase the risk of miscarriage, "said Dr. Ivan.

Further, Dr. Ivan explained, in addition to the habits, ingestion or chemical teratogens can cause birth defects that may lead to miscarriage. In the same way, some infections such as Toxoplasma and Listeria have teratogenic effects.

Know For Miscarriages in Pregnant Women.


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